Jams at Joe's
coming SOON
Our goal is to offer a bi-monthly JAM SESSION for jazz musicians of all ages and abilities to share, learn and enjoy music with each other. Stay tuned!
Jazz Jams can be a great way to apply things you're working on in a more laid-back performance setting. It’s also a great way to hang out with friends and make new acquaintances who share in your passion.
Jam Sessions should also be well organized and guest musicians should be familiar with the ways of a jam. To that end, below are some basic guidelines to help the experience be as enjoyable as possible for all.

Check in with the host for the evening. There will be a sign-up sheet.
Be Prepared
Try to play tunes you know and have been working on. Bringing a lead sheet is ok but best to memorize the song.
Hang out until you are called up on stage by the host or band leader.
Playing a couple tunes is usually enough at a jam session (depending on how well attended the session is.) The host will help keep things fair and equitable.
If you are on-stage and don't know a particular song, sit out. It happens, no big deal. Remember what you didn't know!
Same thing applies if you don't like a tune. It's ok to sit down, better to do that than not have fun.
Some Basics
Take shorter rather than longer solos. Blowing tons of choruses is just not appropriate in this setting.
Probably a couple horn players at a time should be max. (consider guitarists horn players if there is a piano player)
Jams can be a great places to work on intros and endings. If you don't talk it out ahead of time be strong with verbal and non-verbal ques as you go. Keep your ears open, stay engaged and absorb it all.
You won't be offending anyone if there is not a drum or bass solo on every tune. Discussion before the tune is counted off is never a bad idea. Again, strong non-verbal communication during the song goes a long way too.
It's fair game to play a background behind a solo - just don't step on the soloist.
If you end up trading 4's (or 8's) with the drummer, keeping the same order of the soloists is standard practice.
On ballads - be careful about song length!! Split the choruses, after the last solo go to the bridge then out etc.
When playing behind a singer, leave plenty of space and stay away from the melody.
Dig in and hear the song go through your head when you're not playing. You don't want to forget where you are in the form. Yikes! It's a critical skill to hone regardless who happens to be soloing at the time.
Respect the host's gig as he/she organizes musicians for the jam. We're all guests.
Don't try to work out something on your instrument when others are soloing. It can be tempting but practice later.
Stick around and listen to other performers. Be there for them as they were for you.
There are always musicians of varying ability and experience at a jam session. Be encouraging to all. Don't vibe anybody:) There is no place for negativity in music.
Introduce yourself to players you don't know. We are all about strengthening our community.
Grand Piano, Upright Bass, Bass Amp, Guitar, Guitar Amp, Drumset w/Cymbals and P.A. will be provided.
$7 admission donation suggested - Beer and Wine will be available for sale. Water, Soda and Coffee available.
Suggested Jam Session Tunes -
(good starting point, SO many possibilities)
"There Will Never Be Another You", "Stella by Starlight", "Just Friends", "Autumn Leaves", "I'll Remember April", " What Is This Thing Called Love", "All The Things You Are" , ...
"On Green Dolphin Street", "Wave", "Recorda Me", "Corcovado", "Blue Bossa",
"Triste", "Black Orpheus", ...
"Body and Soul", "Misty", "My One and Only Love", "I Can't Get Started",
"In a Sentimental Mood", ...
Be-Bop Tunes
"Ornithology", "Oleo", "Donna Lee", "Confirmation", ...
"Giant Steps", "Moment's Notice", "Lazy Bird", "Inner Urge", "Naima", ...
The above selections are just a drop in the bucket of the available repertoire. However the list was compiled by 25 seasoned and respected jazz musicians as a solid base for learning tunes.